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Showing posts from May, 2021


What foods to Eat strengthen your immunity

  What foods to Eat strengthen your immunity In the cold season, not only the gift rush is part of our priority set. The problem of strengthening the immune system also arises. For who enjoys giving or receiving gifts, attending parties and gatherings in a precarious physical condition? If we want to get through the challenges of unfriendly weather, it would be great to focus on boosting immunity. The good news is that we can achieve this goal with the right nutrition. Traditional remedies Chicken Soup You may not have expected it, but there is a scientific basis behind Grandma's favorite remedy. Homemade chicken soup with plenty of vegetables can relieve your cold symptoms, while increasing your body's resistance to flu viruses. Garlic Or maybe we should call it the miracle ingredient? Although we use it in small quantities, it has a remarkable strength in the fight against bacteria, viruses and fungi. Bonus: can help lower cholesterol. The condition is to use it in its natur

10 Way to lose weight fasting

  10 Way to lose weight fasting Most of us face a big problem during fasting: instead of losing weight, we often gain weight. And if we add to all this the holiday feast, we have the complete recipe for the beginning of the year with many extra pounds. But don't worry, I have some tips for you to help you get through this period without your figure suffering. In order to enjoy the holidays properly, my recommendation is to keep a moderately low-calorie diet before Christmas, through which to stabilize your weight or even lose 2-3 kilograms. Whether you choose a diet specially designed for this period, or fasting, losing weight until Christmas helps you and motivates you not to gain weight during the holidays. But don't forget that fasting does not mean devouring jars of jam on bread or excess vegetable fats. I invite you to look at fasting as a purification and detoxification of both body and spirit, the spiritual significance of which you must never forget. How to lose weight

How to get rid weight gain during the holidays

  How to get rid weight gain during the holidays     Here are 10 tips to help you regain your pre-holiday weight: 1. Donate surplus food Look for a disadvantaged family or group that really needs food. You do a good deed and eat less. Find as many people as possible to share what you have. Not having much food around, the temptation will be reduced and you will eat less. 2. Remove the water Excess water is eliminated by drastically reducing salt in the diet for a few days and by eating foods low in carbohydrates. So keep a diet of salads, fish, lean and unsalted cheese during this period and avoid sweets and bakery products. 3. Consume plenty of fluids The first thing you should do when you want to recover from overeating is to drink water in the morning. To avoid dehydration, try to double the amount of caffeinated beverages consumed for a day or two after the end of the overeating period. You do not necessarily need to drink only water for proper hydration, but you can consume fluids

Foods that really make you hungry

  Foods that really make you hungry       Theoretically, we all want to follow a balanced diet, which turns into a healthy lifestyle. The reward will be reflected not only in the display of the scale, but also in the general state of health, and, above all, in the satisfaction we will feel for ourselves. But not all foods have the quality to ensure our lasting feeling of satiety. That's why when hunger strikes at the door, the diet goes awry. I suggest you discover together what we can eat to enjoy a feeling of long satiety and well-being. Oat bran Mix them with yogurt and fruit to get a colorful breakfast bowl. The secret lies in the amount of fiber. You will feel full for a moment. And not only that, because the body will absorb the nutrients from the oats more slowly, and the energy will gradually rise to high levels. In addition, hunger will visit you less often, so you will consume fewer calories for the rest of the day. eggs Here's another great choice for breakfast, if y

The 6-step method to lose weight is guaranteed to be at least 20 kilograms

  The 6-step method to lose weight is guaranteed to be at least 20 kilograms      You always liked to eat. And there's nothing wrong with that, between us. Especially since you were on a diet, you were still exercising and you didn't seem to look so bad on the scales.  The diet you used to lose weight with now is no longer working. You can't move anymore because your joints hurt and you get tired anyway if you walk for 10 minutes. Wherever you enter, it seems to you that all eyes are on you and you don't even feel like leaving the house. At work, you get used to the jokes that are made about you and you don't even pay attention to them anymore. Sometimes you even make fun of trouble. But when you get home, you're with you again. And so much would you like everything to be different… And it can be different! Even if you want to lose 20 kilograms or more, you only need a little organization. And today I'm going to teach you how to do that. 1. Set realistic exp

What foods affect the quality of sleep

  What foods affect the quality of sleep       To describe the interdependent relationship between diet and sleep, I would use the example of Matrioska dolls. Going through the necessary step of eating friendly with your body, you get the deep and restful sleep you want every night. Then move on to the next stage and you will discover that, once the quality sleep condition is checked, you enjoy nutritional benefits. Sounds too good to be true? Well, as long as you are rested, you are more likely to stay true to a balanced diet. When we are well rested, we manage our cravings more easily. In this article, we have gathered a series of recommendations, but also warning signs in the field of nutrition. I can't wait for you to tell me what effects you feel on your mental and physical state once you have implemented my advice. ✔️So YES before bed✅ Opt for tryptophan-rich foods! Tryptophan is one of the essential amino acids and we are talking about it in this context because, among other

How to include in the diet the foods you crave

  How to include in the diet the foods you crave "How to lose weight and keep eating anything" I think is the most controversial promise found in my articles or in the book "Diet Traps. Lifestyle diet or lifestyle? ”.  I am not preparing to give up this perspective that brings light into the dark universe of drastic weight loss diets. On the contrary, we have put together a series of tricks and recommendations that can help you implement this strategy. First of all, let's remember the 2 principles that underlie it: Nothing makes you fat, if you choose the right amount, time and combination. Forbidden to forbid you. Don't refuse anything you like, postpone or choose wisely! Juggle food at various times of the day! In the morning, do your best, eat your fill for lunch, and keep a diet in the evening - this may sound like an exhortation to print and keep framed. The first part of the day is the most permissive and the right time to satisfy your cravings. Choose at t

The fastest dinners for busy Person

  The fastest dinners for busy Person    Dinner is one of the most delicate meals when you are on a diet and more. Eaten late, it puts your body to work unnecessarily, which is why you can often wake up tired and, in time, with extra pounds, even if you make the right choices. Many of us get home in the evening and either start cooking and eating late, or order something in a hurry, regardless of the number of calories, or put the yam in the fridge and choose what we find. That's why today I want to offer you 5 dinner ideas that you can prepare quickly and that won't spoil your diet or your figure. 1. Bulgarian salad: 300 Calories Quickly prepare a salad of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and lettuce (in total it can have up to 400 grams) and season it with balsamic vinegar and 3 puffs of oil. Then add 50 g of Telemea cheese with 14% grated fat and 3 quail eggs or 50 g of sliced ​​fillet muscle. You can replace quail eggs with 1 chicken egg. You will thus have the best qua

